Dave has performed at:
- Target*
- Best Buy
- Nordstrom
- Rainbow Foods*
- The Guthrie theater
- Radisson International
- 3M
- Sapporo, Japan English speaking club
- Hennepin Parks*
- The Cities of Eden Prairie, Prior Lake, Duluth, Edina,
Arden Hills, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Chanhassen, & others.*
- Carlson Company
- Taste of Minnesota*
- The St. Paul Winter Carnival*
- The Minnesota Zoo.*
- Kidfest*
- Minnesota state fair -- on three different stages!*
- SPAM Museum
- St. Paul Painters union
- MELSA Libraries*
- Minnesota Twins baseball
- IronworldHennepin, Polk and Cass County fairs*
- Pioneer Press
- Minnesota Superbowl Party
- BORN information services
- And the Mall of America's grand opening...
- Plus over 100 shows for the Renaissance fair!
*multiple shows for these clients.
Master of Ceremonies
The International Juggler's Association
Wizard's Weekend
Minnesota Grocerer's Association
Close-up & in the parlor magic convention
Mondo JuggleFest, and more
Television appearances
Wendy's restaurants
f/x channel
Hennepin parks,
Newton's Apple (KTCA)
Written for
KSJN Morning show
WMNN - the high ground
Right Between Your Ears
A Prairie Home Companion
So he can do a show for you!